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Healing Mass Times & Dates


When: Sunday 7th May 2023


4:45pm Praise & Worship      

5:00pm Healing Mass      


Where: Holy Spirit Catholic Church

398 Ross River Rd., Cranbrook


Mass will be celebrated 

by Fr Brian Steele MGL

Fr Brian Steele mgl 4.jpg
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What is a Healing Mass?

A healing Mass is a normal Mass, with a particular focus on asking God for healing. The homily or the songs may relate to healing or the activity of the Holy Spirit. The singing at Mass may be lively, for example the Alleluia before the Gospel may be somewhat longer that at most Masses, and people are encouraged to clap or sing with uplifted hands.


Most importantly, the priest encourages us to pray with great faith when receiving Holy Communion. At that moment Jesus, the Healer, is with us in the closest way. During the Eucharist, Jesus comes to us as He did the people described in the Bible who were healed just by His touch.


After Mass, there may be a time where people briefly speak about experiences of healing. There may also be time for individual prayer ministry when those who desire may pray with the priest or others through whom God has healed people before. While waiting, people usually sing praise and worship songs. People may also prophesy and pray in tongues. Some will rest in the Spirit by falling gently to the floor. When one rests in the Spirit, they are experiencing God's love in a powerful, direct way. Catchers accompany the prayer ministry team to catch anyone who might fall.


Resting in the Spirit is not necessary for people to receive healing, and God never forces people to do this, however it does happen and the people who rest do report it being a strong experience of being immersed in God. This part of the evening is clearly not the Mass, but rather a time of prayer, so the format may vary from one time to another.


After Mass, people may give testimony of healings they have experienced, and all are invited to pray individually for healing as the priest and prayer team prays with people by the laying on of hands.


When: Monday, 28 October 2019


6:00pm Praise & Worship      

6:30pm Healing Mass      


Where: St Mary's Catholic Church

28-32 Ingham Road, West End


Mass will be celebrated 


by Fr Steve Fletcher

and Fr David Tremble MGL


When: 14 May 2018


6:30pm Praise & Worship      

7:00pm Healing Mass      


Where: Holy Spirit Church,

398-400 Ross River Road, Cranbrook


Mass will be celebrated 

by Fr Steve Fletcher

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